一、选择题 (共1题,共5分)


请从A, B, C三个选项中选出与所给单词划线部分发音相同的选项

(_______)1.   back   A. face   B. happy   C. fast

(_______)2.   near   A. hear   B. bear C. heard

(_______)3.   China A. Christmas B. child C. toothache

(_______)4.   those A. mouth B. they C. three

(_______)5.   coats   A. maps B. students C. bags

二、填空题 (共1题,共5分)



1.The weather became___________(sun).

2.We should go to bed and get up early. That’s a good h______.

3.Liu Tao __________(完成) his homework first every day

4.Helen, ________(keep) your room clean and tidy, please.

5.Mike isn’t here. He________(计划) for his weekend in the study.

6.I like playing the piano. I want to be a p____ in the future.

三、排序题 (共1题,共5分)



A. Oh! It is a beautiful picture. I like it very much. Thank you.

B. Happy birthday, Li Lei. This present is for you.

C. Open it and have a look. 

D. Come in ,please. Oh, Mei Mei! Welcome to my home.

E. May I come in ? 

F. Thank you .What is in it?


四、阅读理解 (共1题,共5分)



It’s twenty to five. School is over . David comes back . His mother is not at home and the door is closed. His brother Mike likes sports. He’s playing football in the school. His sister Ann likes music and she is singing with her friends. He can't go in. He takes out a ping-pong and plays with it near the house.

Mrs. White comes back with a basket in her hand. David sees her and runs to help her carry it. They come in and the boy finds there are three cakes in a bag. They’re his favorite food and he wants to eat them. “The other two are for Mike and Ann,” says his mother.”You each have one.”

“But I’m hungry now ,mum,” says the boy.”May I have two?”

“Yes, you can. Go and cut yours in half!”

【1】School is over at ______.( )

A. 4:20 B. 4:40 C. 5:20

【2】Before David comes back, Mrs. White _____( )

A. plays near the house B. goes shopping C. listens to music

【3】How many children does Mrs. White have? ( )

A. One B. Two C. Three

【4】David wants to eat cakes because____( )

A. his mother comes back B. he finds them in a bag C. he is very hungry

【5】How many cakes does Mrs. White give to David? ( )

A. Only one. B. Two cakes. C. One and a half.

五、句型转转 (共1题,共5分)



1. I like toy pandas.(对划线部分提问。)

________________ you like?

2. Their father likes playing the piano. (否定句)

Their father ________________________ the piano.

3. Was it Sunday yesterday?( 否定回答)

No, it _________.

4. My dog has a long tail. (一般疑问句)

 _________ your dog  _______ a long tail?

5. visited, last, Spring Festival, relatives and friends, their , they (连词成句)


六、补全对话 (共1题,共5分)



A. I don’t know. I’m not the weatherwoman.

B. Will it be sunny?

C. Maybe it’ll rain.

D. I want to fly kites with my friends in the park.

Lily: Mum, what will the weather be like tomorrow?


Lily: I don’t like rain. 2.________

Mum: 3.________  By the way, why do you worry about the weather tomorrow?

Lily: Tomorrow is Sunday. 4.________

Mum: That sounds nice. Look! It’s 7:30. Let’s watch the weather forecast (天气预报) on TV.

Lily: OK.

七、连线题 (共1题,共5分)



1.What are you doing? A. I’ll go to Taipei.

2.What do you want to do in the future? B. Three days.

3.How long did she stay in Shanghai? C. I want to fly a spaceship.

4.Where will you go for your holiday?   D. I’m finding out about the UK.

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